UCL participated in the International Conference on Transport and Health on June 22 to present the HARMONY’s paper: “How Transport and Urban Planning Priorities Have Changed during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Driving Factors of Changes and Barriers in Dealing with Crisis.” The presentation was led by Christina Georgouli from UCL within a wider discussion about urban systems, resilience, and the future of cities.

What is the ITCH?
The International Conference on Transport and Health aims to provide valuable insights into the health impacts of transport and urban planning, governance, strategic management, policy-making, performance metric tools and the potential return on investment of a dynamic system. The most innovative minds in academia, practice and policy gather to bridge the gap between scientific investigation and real-world application. In 2021, ITCH organised a virtual conference from the 14th to the 30th of June.
How did HARMONY participate?
HARMONY was invited to participate to Session “Urban Systems, Resilience & the Future of Cities” to present the paper “How Transport and Urban Planning Priorities Have Changed during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Driving Factors of Changes and Barriers in Dealing with Crisis.” by UCL. UCL presented the advancements and key findings of this paper during poster session #2962 through their poster titled: “How Transport and Urban Planning have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic”.
You can retrieve UCL’s poster on our download page. The initial findings of the survey were also presented during the HARMONY webinar in December 2020, you can find the full recording below.
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