Our vision

The continuous expansion of cities and the evolution of public transport are posing new challenges to face. Harmony’s vision is to enable metropolitan area authorities to lead a sustainable transition to a low-carbon new mobility era. This will be possible thanks to its harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools modelling the changing transport sector and spatial organisation.
Harmony is a European project funded by the European Commission within the programme Horizon 2020. It also cooperates with CIVITAS, a network of European cities committed to testing and implementing urban transport solutions for a more sustainable mobility.
Our objectives
HARMONY will achieve 9 objectives:
1 | New mobility services, concepts and technologies for people and freight for urban, suburban and regional transport. |
2 | Co-creation labs to identify preferences for people and freight mobility and spatial solutions. |
3 | Integrate automated vehicles and drones with traditional transport modes and collect data from citizens and freight operators. |
4 | Integration of transport data with social, economic and environmental data. |
5 | New spatial and transport planning model suite (MS). |
6 | Application of the model suite to support metropolitan planners and decision-makers. |
7 | Link the model suite to EU-wide transport models. |
8 | Recommendations to update spatial and transport strategies and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). |
9 | Dissemination of Harmony’s solutions. |
Harmony’s objectives will be validated on six EU cities and regions on TEN-T corridors.