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Final Conference #HarmonyH2020

Big news: Harmony H2020 celebrates the end of the project with a final conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility in Barcelona, Spain under the theme: ¨Next Generation of Transport Planning Tools¨.

💡Think disruptive! Join us for: 

  • A special key-note speaker on the future of mobility and where Europe stands

  • 5 panel discussions on hot issues in Sustainable Urban Mobility: Data-based decisions for transport planning, Transition to sustainable mobility, etc.

  • HARMONY Experts sharing project´s disruptive solutions to improve citizens’ well-being and achieve environmental targets. We focused on six cities and metropolitan areas covering a broad range of challenges and possibilities: Athens, Oxfordshire, Rotterdam, Trikala, Turin, and Upper Silesian Zaglebie.

The number of seats is limited so make sure to book your spot! See you on the 24th of February 2023.

What to Expect?

ℹ️ The Conference is organized by experts in business technological innovation in sustainable mobility – Enide, in a collaboration with the HARMONY H2020 consortium: University College of London, Airbus, Aimsun, Delft University of Technology, Oxfordshire City Council, TRT Trasporti e Territorio, City of Rotterdam, and others. We bring to you the international community of urban transport practitioners, and urban planners, policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs from across the globe who have come together to debate key issues, highlight developments in mobility planning and exchange ideas and experience in sustainable urban mobility examining the challenges and solutions at hand.

ℹ️Find out how Harmony´s innovative tools tackle greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, the growth of vehicle reliance, congestion, inefficiencies, and poor regional connectivity of public transport! 

ℹ️ The conference seeks to identify and offer solutions to the most pressing transportation problems. Harmony is all about collaborative work and thus we are pleased to give our audience an opportunity to ask questions and challenge the expèrt of panellists! 

ℹ️ Cocktail networking at the very end! Stay and celebrate with the Harmony H2020 community. We are looking forward to meeting you


Vladimir Vorotovic

Director – Innovation & Deployment at ERTICO-ITS Europe

He is a member of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation as well as the Association for Project Management, UK. Vladimir is the expert representative of ERTICO in the European Commission’s Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM) and co-lead of its sub-group Future of Urban Mobility and also the expert representative of ERTICO in the Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum 

Ivo Cré

Director for Policy and Projects at POLIS

Coordinates POLIS’ activities on access looking at regulations, services and infrastructures that enable access to cities.  He is active in EU research and innovation projects and advocacy relating to public transport, access regulations, parking and digitalization. Ivo worked at EUROCITIES, and was an advisor to a Member of the European Parliament and the Belgian Federal minister for Environment.

Eman Martin-Vignerte

Head of political affairs and government relations Bosch UK 

She was responsible for business development for telehealth in UK and Ireland.  She was involved in developing the ceramic Medtronic control units for vehicle engine at Bosch GmbH. She is a board member at BBF (Buckingham Business First). She is Vice Chair at CBI Thames Valley and board member of Local enterprise partnership Buckinghamshire. She is a board member at Success Essex Partnership.

Raúl Sánchez

Director of Strategy, Alliances and Open Innovation at Las Rozas Innova

He is a member of the Board of the Center for Innovation in Technology for Development (ItD-UPM) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. More than 25 years of international experience in innovation, investment financing and sustainability at the private, public and multilateral institutions as UN-Habitat and the Inter-American Development Bank. 

Dirk Schindler

Product Manager Air Operations at Airbus

During the last years in the role of a Flight
Commander, trained flight deck crews in safe flight operations. At the same time, he has been leading the National Competent Authority for Flight Deck Operations being responsible for Licencing of Flight Deck Officers. Dirk reached his Master in Business Science at the Armed Forces University
Munich, before changing to industry in 2005.

Jordi Casas

Global Head of R&D en Aimsun

Dr Jordi Casas is an internationally recognized expert in transport simulation. A founder member of Aimsun, Jordi has been instrumental in the development and refinement of the algorithms used in Aimsun software since its inception and plays a key role in a variety of prestigious international research projects. 

Tamara Djukic

Senior Manager – Innovation and Development at ERTICO

She is representing ERTICO in the workings of the MaaS Alliance and EGUM, Expert Group on Urban Mobility, run under the auspices of the European Commission serving as the co-leader of Cluster 6 on Future mobility.  She is also an appointed member of two US TRB committees, ACP50 on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, and AEP50 Travel Forecasting, and Co-editor of IEEE Transections on Intelligent Vehicles.

Jordi Casas Juan

EIT Urban Mobility City Development and Public Funding Manager

Jordi Casas is an Industrial Engineer and Master in Lean Supply Chain Management. With more than 12 years of experience as a consultant, he has managed a wide range of local, regional, national and international transport and urban mobility projects. He joined EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), in 2020.

Susanne Boehler-Baedeker

Senior Advisor at Rupprecht Consult Forschung und Beratung GmbH

Spatial planner, specialised in SUMP. She has a wide range of experiences with transport policy development methodologies as well as analyses and evaluation of policies and measures. For her Ph.D. thesis she analysed statistical data of individual mobility to determine factors and trends of individual mobility behaviour and the importance and acceptance of different mobility services on the local level.

Loha Hashimy

Senior Innovation manager at ENIDE

Loha Hashimy has a PhD in Economics and Business Management. Throughout her career, she has held numerous senior positions in various fields, including innovation management, product management, business development, and strategy. She helps public and private entities in transferring innovative projects and developing digital transformation strategies for more sustainable cities and logistic systems.

Maria Kamargianni

Head of the MaaSLab at University College London – UCL

Professor of Transport Systems Innovation and Sustainability and the Head of the MaaSLab at University College London (UCL). She is also the Co-ordinator and Scientific Manager of HARMONY. Her areas of research include travel behaviour, new mobility services design, CCAM services and technologies, Mobility-as-a-Service, multimodality, and Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP).

Tariq van Rooijen

Senior Project Manager at TNO Transport & Mobility

Tariq van Rooijen is program manager of the European research activities of TNO Traffic & Transport. He has a large experience in European projects as coordinator and project manager. Most of his projects focus on urban mobility and city logistics.

Simone Bosetti

Partner at TRT Trasporti e Territorio and chair of the EU SUMP Platform Coordinating Group

Senior transport and sustainable mobility expert, with 20+ years of experience in transport planning and transport policy analysis, and a long record of project leadership, having served as a key expert in service and research projects for the European Commission, EIT Urban Mobility, World Bank Group, GIZ, several local and national authorities in Europe and beyond.

Benoît Larrouturou

Expert Urban Mobility at

Benoît is a strategist and visionary executive expert in shaping and leading high performing organizations towards long-term sustainability. Benoît’s background is a mix of engineering and business skills applied to the fields of mobility and energy. He is focused on developing market-based solutions for social and environmental impact with a commitment to best practices.

Fancesca Fermi

Expert in Transport Modelling at TRT Trasporti e Territorio 

Senior expert in transport modelling and quantitative analysis, with more than 15 years of experience in developing and applying different modelling tools to address transport policy analysis and energy scenarios, as well as the analysis of the linkages between transport demand and socio-economic aspects.  

Odisseas Raptis

CEO at E-Trikala

Since 2004 and until today, he is working in the e-Trikala office and in 2008, at the time when it was modified to be named as e-Trikala S.A., he became the CEO, leading the company’s projects in fields of new broadband technologies, administering the high level issues of the local implementation and setting mobility policies.

Antulio Richetta

Director at Arcadis IBI Group

Mr. Antulio Richetta specializes in Smart Mobility, Information Technology Applied to Transportation Systems, Information Technology, Intermodal Systems and Transport Systems Analysis.

Amalia Polydoropoulou

Professor of Department of Shipping Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean

Prof. Amalia Polydoropoulou is the Director of the Transportation and Decision-Making Laboratory (TRANSDEM) at STT in Chios Greece. Currently, she serves as a board member of the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2020-today), which among other initiatives is responsible for the Greek Erasmus+ program.

Andreu Ulied Seguí

Multicriteria planning Partner at MCRIT

Expert in planning, foresight and policy evaluation. Doctor Engineer from the Polytechnic University Catalonia (1996), and Master’s in Planning from the University of Harvard (1994), with international experience in planning and foresight studies related to European territorial policies.

Stefan Schimmel

Mobility Advisor, municipality of Rotterdam

Graduated in Civil Engineering. After a traineeship at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, he started working for the City of Rotterdam as a smart mobility advisor and he is involved in European projects (including Mobi-Mix), shared mobility and innovations. Within Harmony fulfilled a role in the Rotterdam Rosie demonstrator.

Pedro Moreira

Head of Transport Authority and Mobility Management Unit at Município de Braga| Member of the EC Expert Group on Urban Mobility

With years of experience in the area of Transport, Mobility and Urban Planning, he is right now the Head of the Unit of Coordination of the Public Transport in the Municipality of Braga. Member of the European Commission Expert Group on Urban Mobility and ISO National Technical Commission on Telematics for Transport.

Angelo Martino

Chairman at TRT Trasporti e Territorio

Senior expert in transport modelling and policy analysis. He has developed different models for the analysis of transport demand and transport network, including their interaction with the land use, environment and energy systems, at urban, regional and European scale. 

Panos Georgakis

Reader in Transportation Systems at the University of Wolverhampton

Since 2021 he holds the position of Professor in Intelligent Transportation Systems at the University of Wolverhampton. Over the last decade, he has acted as the principal investigator and has been involved in the delivery of numerous transportation-related EU funded research projects such as OPTIMUM, MaaS4EU, HARMONY and FRONTIER.

Clara Bellera

Mobility consultant at Cinesi SLU

She is a transport and mobility expert with over 5 years of experience in international projects and European research and innovation projects, and has also participated in other projects related to transport planning, accessibility and urban mobility.

George Fourtinas

UAV Analyst – Future Mobility Team Oxfordshire County Council 

Athena Tsirimpa

Head of Research at MobyX Software 

Dr Tsirimpa has extensive experience in experimental design, large dataset handling, data mining and developing discrete choice models. Her areas of research include travel behaviour analysis, transportation demand modelling, simulation, logistics, transportation systems analysis, market research and econometrics.

Michiel de Bok

Research Leader at Significance and at Delft University of Technology

At Delft University, he works on developing agent-based models for strategic freight transport models. At Significance, he works on the development of various strategic transport modelling studies in freight- and passenger transport, for clients in different countries. In addition, he advices on the application of strategic models in complex policy studies. 

Sara Udina

Head of the city’s Department of Urban Planning at Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat

Senior expert in transport modelling and quantitative analysis, with experience in developing and applying modelling tools to address transport policy analysis and energy scenarios, as well as the analysis of the linkages between transport demand and socio-economics aspects. She has developed several transport modelling applications to support urban transport planning, applied to support the evaluation in impact assessment studies for the European Commission 

UAB Casa Convalescència (sala: Aula Magna)
C/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret 171
08041 Barcelona

8.30 CET – 17.15 CET

  • 8.30 h – 9.00 h​: Register 
  • 9.00 h – 9.30 h:​ Welcome: HARMONY vision, scope and achievements+ Exploitable Results
  • 9.30 h – 10.00​ h: Keynote speaker: Future of mobility and where Europe stands
  • 10.00 h – 10.40 h:​ PANEL – SUMP Challenges: the latest and most critical mobility challenges in our cities and related planning processes
  • 10.40 h – 11.00 ​h: Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning recommendations and roadmaps
  • 11.00 h – 11.15 h:​ A poster session and coffee break
  • 11.15 h – 12.00 h:​ HARMONY MS: The next generation of planning tools 
  • 12.00 h – 12.30​ h: PANEL – Data-based decisions for transport planning + data standardisation
  • 12.30 h -13.00​ h: PITCH: Data app as a solution by MOBY
  • 13.00 h – 13.45 h: A poster session and lunch break
  • 13.45 h – 14.30​ h: PANEL – The cities: demonstrations of AV and drones (case studies: Trikala, Rotterdam, Oxfordshire) – challenges, experience and required policies
  • 14.30 h – 15.15 h: PANEL –  Transition to sustainable mobility the role of CCAM and UAVs
  • 15.15 h – 16:00 h:​ PANEL- Next steps: How do cities see the implementation of new mobility technologies in city and transport planning? 
  • 16.00 h – 17.15​ h: Poster Session: Networking & cocktail party

Who is the conference for?

ℹ️ If you are part of the metropolitan and city authorities, industry professionals, academics/researchers, students, relevant NGOs, traffic modellers, urban planners, etc. then this conference is for you!

Why attend?

ℹ️ This is a unique opportunity to broader your perspective on the low-carbon mobility era and learn about Harmony´s disruptive technology! We shed some light on future developments tackling issues such as congestion, noise/air pollution, climate change, road accidents, and unsightly on-street parking. 

Who will I meet?

ℹ️ What better way to wrap up the event than with cocktail networking! Our team of experts from all across the continents will be at your disposal for any questions you may have. You can also just simply approach us to say hi! 

The Poster Session during the conference promises to be a vibrant and exciting event, with several EU-funded projects taking part. The projects include AWARD, Spine, ESRIUM, GAMMS, 5G Routes, Move2CCAM, SELFY, Frontier, and Tangent. Each project will have a poster display showcasing their research findings and innovative solutions. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with project teams and learn more about their work. 

With so many exciting projects participating, the Poster Session is sure to be a highlight of the conference and a valuable experience for all those in attendance.

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