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HARMONY workshop in GZM

  • Harmony 

Flying taxis? Drones as a component of modern urban mobility

HARMONY organised a virtual workshop with Metropolia GZM and UCL Maas Lab on 15th December 2020. The main goals of the workshop were to

  • Bring together stakeholders in the Urban Air Mobility sector to update them on the region’s efforts to promote the safe implementation of drones.
  • Capture stakeholders ideas regarding drones in use cases. Understand who are the involved actors, what are the preconditions and the implementation flow, identify additional requirements outside the functional requirements the system is expected to perform. 

UAM use cases

Stakeholders from NGOs in the field of mobility, representatives of national and local governments, crisis management services, R&D services and academia, financing institutions, representatives of the drone industry were given a list of use cases to choose from: 

  •  monitoring of events/gatherings,
  • monitoring of recreational areas, e.g. parks / rivers / lakes,
  • drone missions as support for rescue missions,
  • low-emission monitoring of households,
  • transport of documents between municipal offices,
  • delivery of a small load, e.g. pizza / books,
  • transport of medicines / medical samples
  • passenger transport.


Three top issues were selected for further discussion: 

  • drone missions as support for rescue missions,
  • transport of medicines and medical samples,
  • passenger transport.


Stakeholders were divided into groups and discussed threats and opportunities for each case study, followed by a summary and discussion.

The co-creation lab activities included a presentation from UCL on Urban Air Mobility and a presentation from GZM on its upcoming SUMP. Following the first workshop, GZM will develop and conduct surveys to gather information on citizens and other stakeholders attitudes towards the use cases developed. This will be of vital importance to integrate Urban Air Mobility to the work being done by the authority in developing their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

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