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Disruptive transport technologies in 2021

  • Harmony 

Several HARMONY partners participated in the International Congress on Transportation Research on September 1st in Rhodes, Greece to present the HARMONY Model Suite within the wider framework of the project.

What is the ICTR?

The International Congress on Tranportation Research is an annual event organised by Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH). The objective of the congress is to showcase recent top-notch research activities in transportation, merge research findings and policy making tasks, facilitate the exchange of knowledge in the local and international level and draw conclusions and shape recommendations on the future of transportation in Greece and abroad. 

How did HARMONY participate?

HARMONY is advancing transport research to achieve innovative solutions that will meet future challenges through synergies among the industry and public sector.

During ICTR 2021, HARMONY organised workshop VI: “Disruptive Technologies in Transport in 2021: From the pandemic to the new mobility era” to share its achievements with the academic community, as well as with the public and private sector involved in the development and implementation of innovative projects in the field of transport The aim of the HARMONY workshop was to present the HARMONY project, its vision, objectives and the main goal of developing an integrated, modular Model Suite to support policy-making in exploring and quantifying the impact of new mobility
services and technologies in the transport sector. 

After an overview of HARMONY by the University of the Aegean, the coordinator maria Kamargianni from UCL presented the demonstrations of drones and autonomous vehicles planned in the project. After that, Mobyx introduced the HARMONY Model Suite, before delving into its strategic, tactical passenger, tactical freight and operational simulators with UCL CASA, University of the Aegean, Technical University of Delft and Aimsun respectively.   

You can retrieve their  presentations on our download page. Check our Twitter and Linkedin to keep updated with future events.